describing a day by a poetic miming,
with the part of my mind is eagerly waiting,
with a day in a shopping mall,is by far the setting,
with i met once the person that lack of understanding,
again with thoughts,eagerly unwanted reunion of a theater club meeting,..
rise from the bed,with laziness is the prime reason,
to the school,lies a practice with by far in the worst season,
tired and exhausted by outmost for infinite reason,
only to came,to come ,to become,..a better person,
the practice ends as usually ,by far 9 o'clock in the morning,
back for home,it is like the best meaning,
what come for today,is a movie is for everyone's talking,
getting ready for a big day as in likely to be met with a king,
to Nadhirah's house for a carpool,reason to be stomach aching,
with my earphones likely to be heard singing,
came Amir for my heart is blazing,
the reason for that is too upsetting,
leave it as shall it be,as being hatred and hating,
for the arrival,the cineleisure is waiting,
to take concern and to caring,
that is miss sandhera that sacrificed a lot,and that is Amazing,
we met behind McDonalds for a sitting,
have to noticed Syafiq,syai and Afiq are still waiting,
holding a flower for Nadia to make as his belonging,
with hash browns bought by adzimah and dyrah for everyone's taking,
by far is full from too much eating,
the choice of a movie is not yet has the mind's be thinking,
to see horror movie but not yet to be daring,
by means all of the best movies is still in the making,
so made up this mind,fool's gold is the best rating,
with movie tickets as long as won a betting,
to come up for food is the the most challenging,
when the girls split up to go for shopping,
the boys can't think of doing anything,
in the end sit at the same place doing nothing,
solving the rubik's cube is the most breathtaking,
with pressure and not knowing that the mind are exploding,
received a call from Nadia,on the way from a chemistry meeting,
only syafiq wait and waiting,
to be the right moment we share this gathering,
we gathered and waited for the acting,
with syafiq and Nadia is the perfect bringing,
the flower give from the heart bestow the fastest beating,
Nadia also let out a small weeping,
with hearts beats fast like it is ringing,
not to forget this wonderful craving,
known to be late for the movie,
knowing that for who should be sorry,
to the food booth we rally,
Afiq's treat is such a good jolly,
watching the cinema is like usual,
with commercial's at the beginning is like a ritual,
with fool's gold a story in behead a mutual,
for hunger and starvation,
the end was a relaxation,
to the teppanyaki corner we go,
eating is enough but still asking for more,
after hour and hour of walking,
can't care enough for a sitting,
with teacher invite us for an eating,
at the best but far not the cupcake king,
we eat at the cupcake chic,
eating very messy,it is sick,
with chocolate smothered ,"care for a lick"?
After a well torned fray,
why not call it a day,
because there's nothing more to say,
but to only spoken that it is a good day!
we went home by walking,
halfway syafiq and afiq felt like jogging,
with a lot of cars that is raging,
we missed them a few miles,
thought of be left behind,turn to vile,
Syairazi's father passed by for a while,
gladly to be taken home with a smile,....
there goes another chapter,
more to be come like the river's water,
meant to be happier but not sadder,
with hopes high as a firemen's ladder,...
so that is for today's blog,
weyyyyyyyy ade ym or msn?? nak gmbaaaaa!!!
omg, this is beautiful!
ko nehh sah2 sepupu sepapat dgn shakespears!!
afiq hikhok!
u're totally talented!
its way t0o beautiful..
ayat sume berbunga2!
cair sebaik shj bace poem ko
gapo hik-hok tu...
thx for the comments
mak aih..indah gile ayat2 kau afiq..aku 'suspect' kau doh!
peh...kisah benar tuh...???
korg semua ketinggalan..
pe la korg..
xnak jog..
best gler babi!!
penat dowh..takde mood nak jog..
tapi bagusla korang..haha..
wohhh..ayt berbunga2!im impressed!!really!
terima kaseh!!
Everything has changed, now we have grown.
Our pages are ending, it is time to write to a new chapter.
If only, I have a time machine. I will gladly relive these moments.
I will remember you guys, always will be.
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