Everyday,,eventhough it is different...but still it is the same.,....
it is so dull....so...boring,..this world that I live in is gray and dark...
it resembles nothing....

will I live in this colourless world forever?
I shall take a Mighty Leap..and jump across the cage of boredom and fly to the world of freedom..where the word nothing significant everything....
the story here is about an ambitious young man that will seek the life he want's..
Now but to have faith..
will he achieve greatness...
Will I Achieve Greatness
andailah hidup ini senang sperti bersantai..
....???....aku lupe sape yg tangkap gambar nih...syai kot...???
yes you will!
whoot2! HIKHOKHOT! nyaahahaha
oh and i can see my starbucks paper bag back there
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