
If only this is the place where I can say the truth,
without any prejudice I will say everything I feel.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


How do I get to the top....

Just climb the stairs....

really but it is so far..

it has to be far if not then you will regret it,

and why is that,..

because on the top you will achieve eternal happiness,..

am I climbing the right stairs?

we will see...

but I can't wait...


because time will not wait for me....,

let it run,..

you also will make haste by running with them,...

that is insanely high,...

do whatever you can but don't fall..

and why is that...

if you fall you have to start at the beginning...

that is not gonna happen...

so be it...

what if there's a door on the top...

opened it then...

what if it is locked...?

find the key then...

what if I couldn't find any key....

go and ask the key maker...

and who is that supposed to be...?

who else....



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

muslims inpiration is ALLAH and the prophet muhamad hisallallahhu'alaihiwassallam...