" Everybody knows that your life is a story. But what if a story was your life."
I didn't know much about Stranger Than Fiction, it is because I watch it halfway before the movie ends. I give you a glance what the storyline is all about. From what I know is that this person hearing narrations of his life like a story, which seem strangely accurate. Then he soon found that the narration was a voice of a book writer on a tv show. The book writer said that the ending of the book is going to be another death just like her previous book.
Shocked by this outcome, the man pursue the writer to give a consider about the ending of his life. The writer also realize that whatever she writes become real. She becomes horrified to consider all of her previous books may have also resulted in the the deaths of real people.
In the end she decided to keep him alive after almost ended the story with death like the usual. Although it will lower the strength and quality of the book.
This movie shows many relevant evidence of Fate which seem considerably fun to watch. Consider this movie was meant for comedy, it still doesn't hide the true message of life.
Another thing about this movie is about death, from what I know this man watch seems to dies in the story and so he asked a stranger about the time. Due to getting time from the stranger earlier, his watch is three minutes ahead, and by that three minute he took a bus a early while waiting for another bus, at that time a child riding a bicycle seem to fall on the road while the bus is approaching. He tend save a child on a bicycle from being run over by a bus, though himself is hit by it. The writer attempts to write the death but unable to do so, and instead claims the watch was the character that died. But instead the fragments of the watch miraculously stopped the bleeding some arteries which preventing him from bleeding to death.
The thing is, that death can come even with a small change like getting early 3 minutes..
i've watched this too.and im wondering the same thing too,
Do you believe in coincidence kinda of thing.btw,will ferrel klakar!
yup, he's a great actor.
sori..aku x prcaya pd coincidence.
sbab takdir kita dh ditakdirkn cuma takdir kita ader bnyk cabang yg memungkinkn stiap bende yg kita mungkin akan buat.
eh..btul ker ape yg aku tgh tulis ni..
thats what I said
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