My eyes waltz around while browsing at the images appeared. Click after click I ponder around the plight of my days. So subtle and gentle, now caught off in the strong current of the Tsunami. It awakens me with a palpitating heart. My eyes trembled, and my life went humdrum.
This feeling is far too familiar for me. But this time I didn't want it to disappear instead to have it for me. My soul shriek with terror and excitement. Oh, how I could have this before the SPM. It can be twisted into a weapon. Such feel.
ok...i look so pity hahaha...
time ni aku tgh sakit kan merosakkan my day je...haish!
cam ner ko bwat blakang tuh hitam putih eh...ko gne tool/effect ape...??
Vanilla- Yeah, PBSM sakit, but your facial expression's shows jealousy and envy.
SoA- Either you can cut the image you wanted leftout, then copy, then you grayscale the background, and place it into position.
Or you can use a desaturation tool.
no! its not true...i did not look jealous or envy! or am i? hahaha
it is just a facial expression. muka macam menyampah je. :)
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