Salam Satu Malaysia. You know, I've always wanted to be like the legendary late Yasmin Ahmad. I admire her commercials. Her artwork are unlike any other. She breaks the wall that divide us and eliminate boundaries. As you can see that most of her artwork is about life and unity. She capture both perfectly and turn it into a deep meaningful message. Most of her artwork is honest, true and off course at low budget without any cgi and what not. She truly unites the races in Malaysia, and coloring it with fusions of freedom pastels. Everyone loves her, well who doesn't.
Today I would like to express that one thing, the thing that had always traverse in my mind for quite a time. Races.
Honestly I have always envied the chinese races. The superior race. They always filled up job and universities application. Almost all great things in Malaysia were done by chinese. And off course scientifically proven that they are 'Rajin'. Some of them are really nice, I mean really nice!, and some just playing rude. (we're all the same)
Sometimes when they speak their language, which I do not understand act as an offense. And somehow taunting me in mocking way, so us who doesn't understand, felt uneasy for that reason.. or is it just me?
But I always wondered, how could they be the superior race. I mean, how they all be so rajin. Is it their mentality or tradition. And off course when becoming a higher ranked race off course we look down on the lower ranked. As a lower ranker, I felt the urge to defeat them, in grades or any matter. Most of the chinese I've spoken to always talked about money. Prosperity? I know. So is money's the answer. Is money that strive them to become successful?
Whatever the answer is, I've always learned something new from them. I want to become hardworking like them.
Us Malays was a tad different. The one good thing about Malay is they always steady. The word 'Redha' that what makes them cool. But I often see them lazying around, they truly are a lazy race. They always blame someone or something else eventhough it is their fault. Yes, it is the Malays, I wonder why they're lazy. Is it because the mentality? Tradition? or their name.
Me+Layu= Melayu.. you know like plant..:/
But there is this one thing that surprise me.
21 a's in SPM,Azali. Who's a Malay. I mean a chinese didn't get near as that. Whatabout those cartoon series Upin & Ipin?, sure bought quite large of an audience. And the director is a Malay as well. How about Lat? His comic book is sure was a hit. Yasmin Ahmad?
These people strive like the chinese and better. What push this people anyway? I want to become like them too. :/
afiq,mane nk cari gmba aku athavan n lee yg hari tu korg tgkp tuk prtndingn ko n syai msuk tu??
ada dua je tempat yang kau boleh cari,
komputer aku atau komputer syai :p..
kalau kau nak kasi pendrive/aku upload facebook.
somehow really sad ,we promote we are malaysian outside, but at the home we identified by races..again..
Bt nice pic!
only some of us, but these races made Malaysia well known. These fusions make Malaysia's a great country!
P/S- I took that pic for a one malaysia contest, rasenye x menang.. heheh..:/
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