
If only this is the place where I can say the truth,
without any prejudice I will say everything I feel.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


Look at me, I will never pass to be a perfect son.
Can it be, I am not meant to play this part.

Who is that guy I see. Staring straight back at me?
Why is my reflection, someone I don't know?
Somehow I cannot hide. Who I am.
Though I've tried.

When will my reflection show, who I am inside?


Anonymous said...

trime je lah yg reflection tuh ko..kan snang..hahhaha
walau mcm mane reflection nyer pon,
klau ko dok dpan tuh,
ko lah tu...

Enigma said...

I know my reflection but this time, it wasn't me.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

slow it down..look in the mirror n think of ways to build up your self- confidence back from making some positive changes that shows the real you.. I mean the way you think you should be. don't let your mind breaks your spirit of your soul. Maybe you need someone who can understand you inside and outside and he can give better opinion. I knw you would nt listen to me but just think bout it,it may help

Razi said...

perhaps, it's not 'he' he needs, but 'she'..

Anonymous said...

klau ko tk knal sape dlm cermin tuh..ko tgh tengok TV kot...cermin yg tk reflect muke ko blek..hhahhaha

pe2 pon,
kite kene knal diri kite dlu,
baru ko bleh buat ape2 yg ko ske bedasarkan personality ko,
klau ko tk knal,
mungkin sbb tu ko 'lost',

Enigma said...

it's not about personality, or looks or whatever. It is about reflection.

Anonymous said...

reflection eh...
aku nih budak pure sains, and ko plak ske ckp abstract sgt,
otak kanan aku tk leh keep up,
aku pikir the fact jer..hahha

Enigma said...

haha, x pe2 x perlu guna apa2 fakta dalam ni..
ni cermin rohani