
If only this is the place where I can say the truth,
without any prejudice I will say everything I feel.

Monday, November 17, 2008


As I was in the car, and I ponder upon the journey I have been through event hough sixteen is a small number but the journey is long and lies a longer journey if time let me. My father drives about 200 km/h within limit exceeded I stare upon the window and think that time has go this fast mercilessly without waiting for a single human. In this life I have learned so many things, so many lessons have been taken noticing it or without noticing it. Like the Tenggang's poem, the journey is a loyal teacher and that teacher will stay with us and teach us the meaningof life. 
Life is about choices you made and never look back on them. Life is not about enjoying without working. Life itself is like a movie,we are the actor, and god is the director.And when the director make the cut,and one day the world will end it's everything and left not a single dust. Right now we are a part actor and a storywriter we made our choices either to a good ending or to bad hell itself. And there is no doubt about our talent, talent can be achieved with hardwork even you fail you still will be satisfied because of your work. Yet every actor have their own role to play and by means everyone have their own darkside and lightside the only thing that
 matter is which part we choose to act to.

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