The thing is here, Love,Death, are in the gods hand. Just now I met Nadhirah,Aisyah, and Adzimah, I was told they just came back from Nadia's house.There I made a promise to my self and my friends indirectly. We will succeed together.
So on my way to the tailor. I wonder when we will met our true love. Some people chase for it. But for me and some others wait for it. Back to the love part. One day we will have our own marriage. We will be a parent. But ruined by the rumors of 2012. They say the apocalypse will happen on that year.I don't believe exactly what the rumor says but the calendar and the global warming brings the fear. Fear why have you come. I hope it will be a bit longer, so I can accomplish my dreams and such. But if it ends let it ends.
At least let me make it a happy ending.
ohh man... thts wonderfull haha
pi nalu lahalahala! ahahah
hw come i'm not laughing.
dyrah ckp ; "eiii segannya klu ade org tenung aku time tdo mcm tu"
pastu cam telintas, kat pikiran aku, realitinya tah mcm mana rupa kite tdo. mengangkang, menganga !
bangun pagi laki ckp ; selamat pagi awak tdo mcm gorila!
'MY SUPER DUPER GORILLA WIFE' shoudl be a good movie. hahahahah!
tu la pasal!
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