What if you say due to excessive crying. Some people cry for 5 hours straight and get their eye's swollen, packets by packets of tissue wasted. Tears started rolling down my cheeks as if it were not mine. Now I realized why he cried.
It's so heart wrenching.My heart ached at how human life can be so fragile.
I am angry at how life sometimes turned out completely different from what we want.
I am angry at how certain diseases choose their victim.
I am angry by the limitations of human capabilities.
Have I been so desperate for my life. Years passed before, I never felt desperate for a book. I am not a novel fans and I barely read books. But it is my heart desire to desperately want a book.This one book is what I am desperate of.

I managed to track this book down in Kinokuniya KLCC, unfortunately it was in Japanese.It cost only for RM28. If you know where to get the english version please leave a comment .
Like Aya, I shed 1 litre of tears too. It is sad to see her died but knowing she live without any regrets give me reason to live on. With her courage in mind, I'm sure I could overcome any obstacles in life just like her.
1 litre of tears in in japanese eh?
weh, kalo ko dpt english version gtaw aku ek. ;p
Kalau kau jumpa jgn lupa bagitau aku lak! :)
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