
If only this is the place where I can say the truth,
without any prejudice I will say everything I feel.

Monday, June 16, 2008


I am still lost...I don't know what road to spot,...no I don't want to leave to fate,because it might end up with a dot,which road,...I don't want to be nothing,instead I wan't to be everything,...
I have doubt,...so what should I do...where Should I go,...
be like him,or be myself...oh no...
I'm lost...


Anonymous said...

choose your idol of your life...then be yourself by using your idol's personality......rasulullah is my idol...but i'm being myself and bit by bit trying to follow his way...just try...i'm trying now...

syafiq said...

lost??forgeting something dude????there's me to support u all the way through..dont worry

NADIA said...

think straight my friend =)

Enigma said...

thanks you all are very supportive...but...