Internet is down...pergh..can't do anything good when there's no connection..
so the first thing I do is posting one..or perhaps some of my memory as a memoir to this blog,to my life,..
Almost like the biggest mistake I have ever done..!
What should I called it 'BUSTED'!
man I regret it so much,things a bit different now..but it will came back normally,..
it is a really bad I decided to move on..the dirty little secret that I have been secreting
have opened it's gate and let I hope this ends well,..and forget all about it..
it's not that I robbed a bank,...
and KFC for dinner..
SATURDAY- 9.00-11.00-JUNE1st
Wake up called early..i think i went out to buy me a 'fat rice'..
decided to take a walk in the morning..
still a bit stressed but is sunshine..'every sunshine has it's meaning'..
so follow on..
I got bored on playing the same I decided to play an old game..
because when we leave something,and get it back after a while it will still be good..
so I started out with the first game I played on the PS2,it was the most stylish game that i have
ever played back then..

ah yes it is the 'Devil May Cry 3'..oh playing it again takes a whole lot of fun..
i used to play this game with syafiq and Deanna with her lil her house
it was fun back kinda reminds me our laughter we shared together..
it was fun...we are so 'childish' back then...
so we end the day with dinner
yep...speaking about pizza's..heres the cheapest I have ever eaten..
Domino pizza made an offer,...promotion or something..
it is like paying for one pizza..and take as much as you want for each 10 cent you have..
oh my that's like 'cheap' I decided to take 4 only ....don't be a pig...
Waiting for my father from Thailand...
it was boring...
so just skip this out...
Wait and wait...he promise to be back at 10.00pm..
so we wait...and waited..
...i called..but couldn't and asked to leave a message..
called again..and again..
so I decided to wait..
then I get worried...
I hope nothing bad happens..
it scared me for a little while..
then around at 12.00 i called him..
oh how gladly to hear his voice...
so I asked him when did he get home..
he was waiting for a taxi...
so after he gets home..
off course..'Souvenir' ...well he bought back keychains,fridge magnet..and some other crafts..
but this one..this plate that have his face on it..

kinda funny though..
all that is well ends day I would like to travel too..
MONDAY-10.00-??.??-June 3rd
Syafiq called and ask to go out...
i was so tired...
and call him back at 11.00..
he want's to get something for 'She'...
so we went to utama to be precise..
Oh we went to 'kutip hutang' first...
Then we go to the Dragon Topaz..the silver wear shop..
he couldn't think of what to pick...
don't ask neither,..
in the end bought..ehem..''secret''...
Then we ...I eat breakfast at Kebab King my i was hungry..
so we went for ice-cream..
there's a ghost there too...
funny story..
then we decided to go for a 'movie'...
'A SuperHero Movie'...

it was U yep..untuk tontonan umum'...
i couldn't believe that,..movies like that is R that is RATED...
so take chances...
then looking for games and camera's....
cell phones..oh and we went to Toys'R'us..
look at toys especially the Magic 8 ball...

oh AND we went to COMIC PARADISE and find the death note shinigami ryuk action figure..
the pole of that hold it poking it's butt..funny..really funny..syafiq takes pictures of it..

then we went for the movie..and met with IZZI and DEANNA..
but there's two dudes with them..and introducing ourselves..
and directly to the food booth...
then we watch the movie...
yes as I expected..a mild Rated there's kids..
poor them..seeing those..'things'..the movie Was Very Funny!!
I laugh until I get a stomach ache..
then I went to Kebab King again to take away for lunch..
we waited for the bus..
and ride it..and met with my ex-girlfriend Syakilla...

she stands because there's no more seat left..
and stand,and stand..until Syafiq left..
but an Indian guy get it first sebab Syakilla malu-malu plak..
Then the indian guy I asked her to sit..
We didn't talk at all..
then we went home..just smiling...
oh and on the way..i ate the Kebab...then went home tired but happily..
another memoir for the
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