New artwork,...
this is a picture of a girl I saw in my dream,...
or maybe it is just in my head,or maybe she is out there somewhere,...
as I enter the slumberland,
I saw my friends in the other hand,
with night passes through like sand,
searching quick till the road met the end,
when time repair itself,it began to mend,
I saw a girl,beautiful as it is grand,
in front of her there I stood,I stand,
talking peacefully as it like we are foes,friend,
her hair striped with pink on each end,
thought of waiting till a letter sent,
lending my arm's towards her,
grabbed infinite,eternal,forever,
then I woke up,it was all a dream,
but thing's is not like what it is seem,
it remind's me of the past's,yesterday,
a poem of expressing love,the other day,...
aku dh ckp dh...semua org ade love dlm diri nyer...aku tau ko ade...sbb tuh ko dpt mimpi cam tuh on the early age...ko cume tk nk fall in skang jer...karang...kat U...mesti awek keliling pingang...hahahahaha
eii..mestilah...siapa yang tak nak becinta..
because young love is devastating...
love is so good..
but at the right time r..
but now is just hurt you T_T
So sweet..
BTW, ko ke yg lukis gmbr tu?
a'ah...takdelah lawa sangat...huhu..
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