Today at school...
I saw Syafiq studying...it is weird because syafiq rarely study...
then Syairazi is sleeping...
it is like two different entity yin-yang,triumph-disaster-success-failure..
looking at the way he is doing his ''study''...it reminded me of the past..
year 2007...PMR year...
we used to study together...always a study group formed...
we have one of the best memories that year...we used to compete against each other...
we lived our lives efficiently...we work too hard...we never give up...
year 2008-present day...
thinking back...why should we give up now...
I want to live like the past years...now we are sitting for SPM...the most important test in our lives...but neverthless no one cares...
I see the future it is either bright or dull...
i saw my friends too...they have changed...
some from good to bad,bad to good...and some from bad to worst...
after PMR we set our own way...same goes for SPM...one day we will go for our own way...just like today...
some say teenhood comes once in a lifetime...they come for us to use it wisely...not to fill it with dreadness...
again a friend of mine...A i called her...
A gets unwell results for the last exam...her mom won't go and see her on open day because she is ashamed of her daughter...
they also say that ''History repeats itself''....well it's true...many History have been repeated...only because we didn't noticed it...
Then I'll just wait for history...and again I will feel ''Never Give Up''...
I am sick of failures...and I want to be successful...!!
same goes to you my friend...
im gonna defeat you.haha
afiq..kan aku bgtau kau tadi, aku kan pening kepala time tu..sakit kepala aku tau..sbb tu la aku tido..
yeah.. stuju about teenhood..
somebody that i know used it wisely and xblaja pon..hang out and whatever...
result pon byk color..
ha.. abis cerita...
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