Farewells are inevitable in our lives, we will face it eventually, with families, with parents, with friends and even our pets.
I can predict the future but I couldn't possibly imagine it. I wonder what it is like growing up, working, having a family and so on. It's like in those movies we've always watch on wednesdays. Those cheesy movies about love and family affairs. We might laugh at it for the moment, but eventually we'll have to face it.
I missed my old school and the Templer camp, everyday I'm reminded of my daily routine there. I missed it, the moments where we sit around the table and talked our way to the future. We dreamed so much back then, with all the big talks. Off course some of them still carry their dreams and some might let go.
No matter how hard we try back then, we all are united with the fact that it is all played by fate.
Fate bought us to what we are.
What if.
We were in a whole new situation? What if somehow I decided not to continue my studies and go to work, what if I didn't go to the university and take form 6 instead. Things can be quite different can they?
I won't be able to become what I am today, wouldn't it. A total butterfly effect.
What if you weren't reading this, you'd probably be doing something else wouldn't it?
But whatever it is, anticipate the future loves.
No matter how horrible the storm is, we'll get through, we'll be alright...
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