We watch slowly as ourself grows. Slowly embracing the adulthood. I was never glad with the term of being an adult. A friend of mine from another country was quite surprised about my age and singlehandedly give me the title " adult ". I do believe that I am still young, I've never faced mid-life crisis before and thus reminded me when I was a little kid. I wanted to be a scientist. Back to the days where dreams comes to life. But as I grew up, I lost that childhood dreams. And it's like the feeling of losing my old self.
Changes in life are unavoidable. We may not notice but changes occur everyday in our lives. Not a single thing is constantly the same. We may be afraid of changes, but those changes make a better me, depends on how you interpret it.
There were times, I felt I lose grip to my dreams but hope is that keeps me going.
Like when you lost in the forest, or trying to score at the last minute of the game. Hope is the thing that kept us going, when we realize that there is hope, we kept striving until we own it.
But not all some people have hope, but still every cloud have a silver lining doesn't it?
When all hope is lost, comes faith.
Have faith in everything, because eventually faith will turn to hope.
It's amazing that we have come this far, can you remember what you have been through. The ups and downs of life. What you have experienced are constantly shaping you to what you are today. Take a moment and ask yourself.
What have you obtain from this life?
What have you become now?
Have you have any regrets?
Can you make change ?
Have you disappoint someone before?
Have you been proud of yourself?
What have you accomplished so far?
What have you not?
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