whenever I open the book I felt uneasy.
In my dreams I've always see the darker side of the future, what if.. your plan doesn't turn out the way they should.
Dzmah said, anything can happen.
I actually giggle in front of the computers, reminiscing the good times that we had. Folder by folder I opened, but in the end they all look stale and lifeless. Maybe it is because the fact that this is ending. I don't understand people who still want school to end fast, didn't they realize what school had done for us? Or maybe we just lucky that we had such good times?
Sigh, this is the time where the bird have to leave the nest.. I'm so gonna miss everything, asslam's joke, trademarks, everything from scratch. I just love hearing stories when they quarrel with the mak cik tandas, or when they complain about the floor of the canteen.
I actually giggle in front of the computers, reminiscing the good times that we had. Folder by folder I opened, but in the end they all look stale and lifeless. Maybe it is because the fact that this is ending. I don't understand people who still want school to end fast, didn't they realize what school had done for us? Or maybe we just lucky that we had such good times?
Sigh, this is the time where the bird have to leave the nest.. I'm so gonna miss everything, asslam's joke, trademarks, everything from scratch. I just love hearing stories when they quarrel with the mak cik tandas, or when they complain about the floor of the canteen.
I'm already missing the good mornings that everyone do everyday, I miss guarding the gate during my prefect duty, I miss the school anthem. I miss the moment when my friends ask for homework. I miss the anxiety waiting for teacher not to come. I miss the boys who played takraw at the back, or the gossip girls with their loud mouth. I miss Syara's, Babilah. I miss Bella's busukk, I miss Adzimah pending, I miss Dyrahs chillabro.. I miss all the things from scratch.
We had great times, we have done all things, going to the principle's office, get lectured.
I bet the university days cannot replace these days that we had..
I've also try to look at the past post, and it swallowed me with despair,
It's been a while that I kept asking myself, am I ready? To face the new world. It just as scary imagining it.
But whatever it is, tomorrow is the last day. We can do many things, we can walk backwards, we can pretend it is daylight all the time. We can do whatever we can, but the day is still ending and when the day ends, all we can do is to bid farewell.
i missed the part when you said "anything can happen, things can turn out differently and such.." in my blog.
like you once said, "one day we'll meet again and see, one of us might be a burglar, a successful engineer, or maybe some drug addicts, drug dealer, i mean, who knows, right? life is unexpected. soo yeahh
hmm yeah, my quote was inspired by dzmah,
she said it after attending the reunion.
People can get disease, people can become anything.
Remember U2KUMAR? The motivational lecturer?
He tells the story about an A star student who end up being a beggar.
Anything can happen in life. We are safe now, because of the school ground, there are always teachers and friends who guides us.
Imagine outside where we will be alone. So what would it be?
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