
If only this is the place where I can say the truth,
without any prejudice I will say everything I feel.

Monday, September 22, 2008


I Don't do Slandering...
it is just you,that can't take the fact that it is true.
You can mock and shove me into the corner,
You can talk rubbish, and diss me everyday,
I don't mind really.
I believe in what I believe,
I stand still because of it.
You can say I hate you 100 times but still
You can be rude to me
but you have crossed the line when youre being rude
to others



25-ish said...


No its just, just straight to me, telling whatever because I think that is the better way than this. Yeah I do hate you, but only for certain reason. I'll not living my whole life hating you. Maybe we just need to talk. Its weird we havent talk for a long time and suddenly you wrote so much ridiculous things about us, really, we can't take that. and about those karma, facts and everything, let's just settle this up I could spend my time listening to your exact points.

Enigma said...

I have said all what I need to say

25-ish said...

(??) duhh. kay we're done stop bother us we'll do the same too. goshh what a waste~
