I wrote this because I didn't felt sorry,
Here is a story,
a tale never told,
And brave yet bold,
About a person act like a hero,
but actually a coward inside,
Lebih Baik jadi GRO,
than staying beside,
All your friends backstabbed you,
all can I say is 'Padan Muka'
Hey it's true too,
And it really do taste like vinegar!
With hatred in every stitch,
Bye-bye Bitch!
by the way you sick,
suck it up you piece of shit!
stop telling lies,
or you will eventually dies,
and you blame me too,
the things you do,
you mean and cruel,
you always drool,
you ain't cool,
you a moronic fool,
stop saying 'bodo' to everybody,
and stop rebel and being naughty,
you short and fat,
you ugly like 'that'!!
Your face is hideous,
it made a witch puke,
youre far from being generous,
and it made roaches get the 'look'..
in this sincere poem I tell you,
with roses upon chariot,
I really wan't to tell you,
that you are an idiot!!!!
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