I think I will drop my dream and pick the one that I have been mentioned.Drop myself to the advertising company.Be an independent honorable man.Being like my father,follow his steps,lead me to success.After thinking and thinking..is it worth it being a prefect.with my rebellious friends and my mischievous acts,A hard choice but Amin,amir are going to be a prefect,so by A long shot,I will try and give it a shot,I have choosed my dream.Pick one she said...but the thought stay clear in my mind,whatever I choose will lead me to somewhere.Somewhere far somewhere near,dull or clear,no one knows.I try to pick one...but again the toughts strangled me and leave it be...there I stood waiting,thinking...after a maelstrom in the brain.A path is set be...the girl say she will wait until I came back and pick one of a dream,I have a dream,everyone have a dream,to the longest shot or a near distance...everybody has it.Every marble holds lead to a different places,splits a ties,and break walls...Only it is up to us to pick a dream,sometime when we pick we regret,that is what I least wanted,and then go back to the little girl feeling regreted,but needless she gave a handful of marbles for one's taking...Whatever you take,in the end she will ask you"Is this your choice,your wanted,your dream?",the road not taken starts here,I hate making decisions I tell you,they are the most burden,...I will be back to you little girl,and when that day come,I will choose a dream I will not regret in the end,but the question is,will the dream you hold for me last,or slipped by chances,or maybe another person taken it,I see....so don't be late...and I will pick the most beautiful marble that you are holding,where beauty in the eye of the beholder,where beauty is in the eye of me...
1 comment:
well.. it's good that you already set what you want for your future..
at least you can work it out..
i have no idea what i wanna be..
i still in the middle of the road..
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