But Miss.Salwani needs a prefect especially guys...I couldn't let her down...but Not just that .she gave us the right's...my decision about this is...if my friends a prefect than I will be one too...It's a tough decision...but I only have a choice...one choice...okay let's see the advantages...being a prefect could bring me easy jobs,could escape me from long interviews,being a prefect needs to have discipline...which I have in lacking...man...I hate making decisions...my choice now is make someone make a decision for me...also every good news comes a bad news...I think that being a prefect burdens me...eventhough the teacher will not call us often...still it brings a little burden to me...but letting down a teacher is a very unsatisfying feeling,every thing that comes has it's good side and the bad side...which side will come is in god's hand...
Discipline is not that important to prefect...Be a prefect.Bad and good does'nt matter to prefect.
kepale otak ko sal...kene la ade disiplin sket...giler ke ape...aku nk jadi prefect...ade lah sbb nyer...tp bagos gak jd prefect...aku leh pakse diri aku supaye rajin blaja,disiplin,hormat guru,bertanggung jawab and memimpin sket...boley lah aku jd org yg bergune...btul tk...
being a prefect has many advantages...but it is also a burden...
owh yeah.... agree...
u should give it a try. but first u have to make sure tht syafiq isnt eating in the class . ngeheheh. i adore pn salwani :D
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