
If only this is the place where I can say the truth,
without any prejudice I will say everything I feel.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Since I have nothing to write, let me share you what I dreamed of last night, it is not easy to remember dreams more like a nightmare this one. (note; this story was from a dream I have, none of them are real or could be) dedicated to my high school friends.

We were at Toys r us searching for something a present, an outing to celebrate dzmahs farewell.
Faisal with Atiqah filzah they were both smiling, *note that this part I couldnt remember well.
Bella on the other hand, was sad, she seems disturbed, so I went to her to comfort her. We talked, then suddenly, I saw a woman in dress run across the entrance. It was Taylor Swift, she ran, and without any doubt I ran to chase after her. When I ran out of the store, I saw Dyrah n dzmah was chasing too.
Then the scenario switched, taylor opened the door, we arrrived at our school, section 4. She climbed the walls of the corridor and stand there, looking down, as if about to do suicide. Note; we were on the 3rd floor; highest floor above the staff office. But the building seems rather different than the ones I know.
Anyways did I mentioned section 4 is on fire. Yes, it was burning. I remember myself wearing the MPM outfit, the green shirt., holding a key. Everyone was looking at taylor swift from below, in shock, off course. Bella was crying, everyone was staring.

So I ran off to save Taylor, ( I was behind her then, but now I am below her, such twist.)
So I ran but there are fires everywhere, with much courage I went through, there were moments where syairazi tried to stop me, saying noooo!

The building is like a maze, it changed itself. I ran to the stairs seeing all those juniors. Note; That I was above the staff office building), I quickly make it to Taylor. (Note; before this Taylor was at block Elite our classes in form 5 but then she is above the staff office

Before I could reach her, she made the jump. Everyone was screaming, She fell on the ground, then something happened here I could not remember well. But there were this song Amazing by Taylor Swift, is there any? I presume not since it was a dream. Then I woke up. Thats the end of it.

I dreamt of this twice just so you know, a premonition? A clue of some sort? Or maybe Im thinking about something too much that it went on in my sleep. Whatever it is, I have no idea on it. I'll leave it to you guys for the thinking.


25-ish said...

ahah idk what the idea really was but i laughed reading it. anyways im glad i cried at zmahs farewell and was terrified when taylor wants to suicide. :D

Enigma said...

yeah funny n weird, the weirdest part is that I dreamt it twice. Maybe I'm just superstitious, but Its like there is a hidden message. go figure ;)

Anonymous said...

hmmm...I have no idea...