
If only this is the place where I can say the truth,
without any prejudice I will say everything I feel.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


" One of the saddest things about history, is how much it has repeated itself. "

Everyone became emo lately. Just yesterday, it was a tearfest. People crying everywhere, and today people get all moody.
Today we talk about time machines, what to do if you have one. Everyone have their point of view. People do want to go to the past, but one change could destroy. This proves that people make mistakes and wanted to repair it. Or simply to experience one of those moments that we yearn to forget. I do want to go back, to change the mistake that have killed me inside.
All people make mistake, all people have problems. And it will follow you to death if you don't do anything about it.
What interesting is that today, we have given the opportunity to pressure and motivate a kid which are having trouble with a subject and intend to drop it. We overawe him with many speeches, many quotes combined with our point of view. His face, I can see that type of troublesome expression. The expression which doubts and weakness trying to conquer. I have that expression so very often. I know it's hard, even 20 people supporting you. Still, it is hard.

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