Today's episode of La Dolce Amira was definitely marked as my favorite moment. I watched it with my mother and she cried halfway through the show. Me, myself almost drop my manly tears. Today's episode is kind of like a flashback. All of the cast were forwarded to 4 years later. And they were having a reunion. The scene was so dramatic, sadness filled with melancholic tears. While watching, I try to put myself into the characters imagining what would I be 8 years later.
What so drastically sad is, anything can happen in 4 years time. Friendships broken, diseases take place and it was awful.
Things can change drastically in a short time, some successfully publish books from blogs, some from a punk to become a cafe owner, love, marriage, broken friendship, fatal diseases.
They were having a reunion which should have been a happy moment turn out to be bittersweet as they find out what happened to each other. So, anything can happen in the near future. There will be changes. I pretty much see how people will end up, mathee will go to Saudi Arabia to become a Pharmacist, Syara with the help of the british council, on the way to become a lecturer, but for me I just can't imagine myself perfectly in the future.

haha! tgk muka masing2! :D
ha!!! aku menjerit doe tgk pics nie!!
super2 excited!
muke tak mature :p
Those that I know looks the same.. not much different..
dude i love this post.
zaman ni semua neutral.
*tke a deep breath*
antara zaman yang happening!
So many things happened, now look at us, 17 years old and aging.
"17 and aging"
seriously, time form 3 semue lain ngan sekarng. (of course la kan?)
HAHAHAHAHA, muka semua org comel comel wehhhhhh! look look, filzah ada :D
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