It's been almost a month since I went out, I've been rejecting all outings these pass days, stalled by work until today, I finally get a breather.
I went out to Subang Parade, for lunch and grocery shopping. I went to Sushi King, it's almost 3 weeks I didn't eat any sushi. The sweet taste of those smoked Salmon, melts in your mouth...
Then suddenly, choke. Not me but a child at the nearby seat. The woman besides, I believe she is the mother. She tried hard to stop the suffering. The woman frowned, she tries slapping the back of the child's body, she asked the child to drink a lot of water. The whole restaurant was quiet, giving a glance at that black affair. The cough sounds emitted from the choking person began to stop. Everybody is sat still and quiet, petrified, curious on what's going to happen, only the tunes emit from the radio can be heard. A calm pianic tunes, it is common. Complete Silence.
The mother takes a deep breath relieved that the item that causes the person to choke went out landed on a piece of a tissue paper. One wrong step and that could be fatal for that child.
After the having 'fine dining', I went to look for some cellphones, because now I like those fold phones or better known as clamshell phone. I found some cheap, slick and very stylish. But that isn't the matter, I saw another child, crying. The parents do everything in their might to stop that ferocious sound.
I wonder, one day we will have a family too. I wonder what would we do at critical times like this...
HAHA panic attack!
tambahkan lagi,tgh2 mlm menangis, tak dpt mainan mngis, then bila nk smthing they couldn't wait selagi tak dapat selagi tu cam radio buruk mention bende tu tak habis2, mngis kat shopping mall kuat2 guling2 depan escalator, dan banyak lagi.
4 org adik, 4 kaali experienced -______-
tapi kids bila happy, omg comelnyeeeeeeeeeeee mcm nak picit2
they poop and they cry, they cry when they poop.
tambah satu lagi, muntah! aaaa tak tahan --"
muntah in public,... nice ;)
ahaha,my god!aku xleh bygkn aku handle bnde ni,like poop,cry in the middle of the nite,puking..erghh.times like dis will happen thou.
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