
If only this is the place where I can say the truth,
without any prejudice I will say everything I feel.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


I'm feeling down, real down. Everything wasn't go as planned, every piece of the puzzle is broken to pieces. Hope seems to be shredding. The melodic song emits from the speaker encourage me so little. It turns out that it didn't go well. The colors seems to be fading gradually. I am beginning to feel dead inside.


z said...

you only will fall for how deep you let it go. get up before its going too deep.

z said...

anyways, we're on the same sampan.

just maybe i'm not dead yet. on a critical state.

Enigma said...

I'm in a maelstrom of sorrow and emptiness,
swallowed little by little like a quicksand.

Enigma said...

sampan dah nak tenggelam, hurmm...

z said...

things will fall into places. it just a matter of time.

you'll be okay. *nak jugak unsur McFLY kat sini. haha

Enigma said...

haha what do you expect from a McFly fan

Anonymous said...

rileks je ah...
aku kene cam ko gak...
nk wat cam ne en..
dh lumrah hidup...=D

Enigma said...

mesti ada benda yang buat dia jadi camtu,
dan mesti ada cara nak hilangkan dia.

Anonymous said...

itu aku tak tau ah...sbb aku ni pon tk recover lagi..masih tk cure lagi

nk cari remedy die yg susah...sbb tu aku just rileks je...hahaha...=D