
If only this is the place where I can say the truth,
without any prejudice I will say everything I feel.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


I hate this sentimental feeling that the form 5 student's used to feel.
And now those sad feelings entwine with those happy feelings, it turned out to be a frantic mess.
The holiday doesn't seem to have the same excitement as we used to feel, under this tremendous pressure, plus thinking about stuff that shouldn't be thinking of. I don't like it one bit. Confused and empty that is all that I am feeling now. As I expected, 7 coursework is still a seven. And they say 7 is a lucky number.

I'm off to Serdang tomorrow, hopefully I get motivated. :/


z said...

kelantan ke nih?

omgomgomgomgomg lawaaaaaaanyaa ;o

Enigma said...

this is terengganu,
every year I went for a swim here,

Atiqah Hasan said...


sedap :(

Enigma said...

mat salleh x suka makan durian ;b

RiOT! said...

there were nice pic u have...
da best is DURIAN...
bapak sedap....

Enigma said...

thank you,
ini semua hasil digital kamera aku ;B

z said...

kenapa tak update?