
If only this is the place where I can say the truth,
without any prejudice I will say everything I feel.

Friday, May 8, 2009


" Apabila kita tua nanti, kita akan tercari-cari memori kita masa muda dahulu."

It's nice just to hang out with your friends. Learning is such a stressful affair. That maybe incorrect but people naturally don't want to confront anything stressful. How can one learn effectively if learning is such a stressful affair. Eventhough this year is important and we always think about the happiness obtained from the future but we also should mind our happiness in the present days. Why so serious?


z said...

I had a good time ;)

but the so call study group didnt work on me. seriously. too many distractions. i rather watch people.


Enigma said...

hahaha! At least we had our so called quality times.

Atiqah Hasan said...

ape jadi da?

Enigma said...

nothing happened really,
just hangin out as usual

dyrah said...

haha, budak kecik comel je! yeahh, hidup makdi! :DD

Anonymous said...

disagreed with adzimah :D
we did studied and buat ques math yang pening tu =/
matrices ohh matrices .