
If only this is the place where I can say the truth,
without any prejudice I will say everything I feel.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Most of the time, we are so engrossed with our life, our need, our schedule that we often forget or take for granted about the other people who seems to be there when we need something from them.

Have we ever taken the time to stop and think and feel about how they feel when things are just so great in our lives that we don’t actually ‘need’ them at that particular moment in time.


z said...

i thought of this before.

oh and tangan aku bnyk lines

Enigma said...

kulit biawak ;b
sharpie permanent marker.. ;)

z said...

it came across my mind

how did i happen to be your doppelganger eh? and when?

Enigma said...

ntah pasal blog kot
bermula dimana aku ada cakap
''we are a lot alike''

pastu start lah,
itu sama, ni sama
cakap pun serentak, fikir benda sama, pun serentak jugak tuh and dyrah pun macam

" eh, wth?"

so that's it kot... ;)