
If only this is the place where I can say the truth,
without any prejudice I will say everything I feel.

Friday, May 15, 2009


Woman, they have prominent beauty.
But most men doesn't appreciate their femineity.

This is a story about most guys in this world. Adzimah kata aku tak normal, but I can't stand to hear those guys saying these things about woman. There's once in recess, last wednesday I think. The guys who sits in front of me replied to his friends.

" Tak nampak ke banyak orang tu, kang aku gilap jugak t***k perempuan tu! "

Dah la muka lapik b****t, bak kata dyrah. I felt like swinging my arms straight to his face. It's so rude, memalukan kaum lelaki. Sedap mulut je, aku tak tahulah apa perempuan rasa bila orang cakap camtu, tapi in my opinion diorang macam tak respect.

And today I ate a lot, afternoon at Pizza Hut, evening at KFC and McDonalds at night...X(
I had fun


z said...

yeh? when did i say that?

Enigma said...

masa kita lepak kat tepi tangga pejabat

dyrah said...

huh? jap, sekarang ko mrh kat laki ke kat perempuan?

dyrah said...

ok, aku lmbt pickup. sape yg nk swing arms?? aku ke sape?

Enigma said...

tak ada budak cakap

dia nak gilap t***k perempuan

aku rasa macam nak tampar je muka dia

dah la muka lapik bu***t

Anonymous said...

org cam tuh ah nk kene makan kaki aku...

org tu gile kat bende2 tuh, tp bukan reti jage hati org...org cam tuh tunggu mati baru nk insaf...ish ish ish ish

Enigma said...

majoriti laki camtukan
macam ko tak tau plak