"I’ve not felt the same fear as i am having now for quite a while."
"People talk about facing your fears as if facing it is THE MOST difficult part. That’s not quite true. I do believe the aftermath, the moving on after facing it is far more difficult. Upon facing your fears, you do not honestly believe that part of you or your life would still be the same as it was the day or the moment before, do you? Well, it doesn’t. It will change. For better or worse, that’s not the issue. The point is, there will be changes. The reason why one decides not to face any of his/her fears could be simply because one does not welcome the change."
" I know you trusted her, but I'm afraid that I don't trust you."
emm. semua yg ko cakap ni betul.
aku pernah alami dah pun.
em takut apa yg ko plg takut afiq?
hurm, takut?
Thanatophobia kot,
I don't want to face something because I don't want anything to change.
For better or for worse.
yup, that's the prime reason why we don't face our fears.
aku alliumphobia - fear of garlic..
macam vampire
eh kebetulan, aku memang minat darah. aku suke hisap darah aku sendiri. hehe.
takut Allah baru btul...=D
HAHA baru perasan!! bel von d! thts me :D
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