
If only this is the place where I can say the truth,
without any prejudice I will say everything I feel.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


It's not that I hate newcomers, new friends are okay. This is because I am traumatized by my past experience. I once had a friend that I put so much trust on, I even went far as betraying my other friends. Suddenly I realize that, 'it' wasn't a true friend but a fiend, an avatar of evil. A backstabber.
Like dyrah always said not to trust anybody, eventhough they look nice on the cover but we don't know the content. It is easy to manipulate people when they have your trust. I realize that... It's not that I'm preventing to befriend with new people, just please exercise caution because the unexpected can appear anytime.


z said...

trust. sensitive issues.

Enigma said...


Atiqah Hasan said...

ohhh yeah..
It hurt so bad.
sometimes people that we thought we know also betrayed us.

I thought my friends believe me but because of others EVIL mouth and heart and immature attitude and crazy mind I ended up like this...

Poor people around me.

Atiqah Hasan said...

by the way, who is that guy in the picture?

hahahahahahah :B

Enigma said...

that's the new kid in our school

I hope the black past does not return

dyrah said...

ehh, haneef! :DD

Enigma said...

ehh, Dyrah! :D:D

z said...

ehhh ehhhh cara tiqah tanya tu lain cm jeeeeeeeeeee
