
If only this is the place where I can say the truth,
without any prejudice I will say everything I feel.

Friday, February 20, 2009



There is this quote

" Our fatigue mostly not caused by exhaustion but from worries. "

I have been quite busy and tired lately, with all the work and assessment. I just have been invited to an english talkshow. I will be on TV and they will pay me. Talk about fame and fortune. The person said that I need to form a group and must have a good english. Since I realize that I am not a good public speaker especially knowing that a state of TV pressure exist. I might not want to enter it. But also this maybe is a one in a lifetime chances. I need to improve my english speaking techniques and yet do well on the school oral forum. This talk show might help. But I need to learn to speak english fluently A.S.A.P.

For further information and those who interested can ask me personally.


z said...

waaaaaaaaaahhh gila cool :D

Enigma said...

aku tak yakin lah..
I gugup bila speaking.

Sabrina SB said...

waaa! go go afiq!