- 7:30 -
I wake up, take a bath, get ready, packing as fast as possible because the teacher told us to be there at seven o'clock. But I came in approximately 7:15. So we waited and wait until 7:45 then we take the bus to the University Malaya for the Score A Seminar. We have the fliers already so we know what to expect. 10 hours of learning the same subject.
As usual the bus is the best part, I bring my camera, but I left the battery at home. Silly me.
- 8:10 -
The registration is pretty fast for 10 school. Pay the fees and get the tag which includes a coupon and a password for our notes.
- 9:05 -
The seminar have just begun. The first speech is by Mr. Thuraiveloo. He is amazing, he gave his speech without looking at a book. He memorizes that many things. He teaches basically about essays and such. He likes to use strategy. Which is magnificent.
- 11:10 -
We take a break and have a breakfast. The tea just started up the heat since it was really cold inside the hall. We take a walk around the campus and we went back in.
- 11:35 -
The next lesson is the best because of this lecturer. First impression for me is a strict person since his face is like angry looks with his eyebrows falling down like that. Then hearing his voice, he is making nasal sounds. ( sengau ). I can't hold on so I laugh. Then Dzmah who is sitting next to me laugh too. Then he teaches us about novels, poems and such. It was hell funny. I laugh and laugh and laugh. He acts and imitates which interest most of us back then. He made funny jokes and such. Seriously the best.
- 1:45 -
It is lunch time and we eat some rice with chicken. And to top it off we eat by the stairs which is quite a cool spot. We made dirty jokes and stuff like that. We had a good laugh.
- 2:30 -
The next lecturer is more to Formula. She teaches pretty cool but she teaches very fast. Some of us can't catch her message and jokes. Overall it was a great experience.
- 4:35 -
Tea break! We had a pale curry puff and some Apam with some hot milk tea.
We take pictures there by using Amir's camera.
- 5:05 -
Okay this part right here is energetic. The host ( which I do not remember the name ) gets on the table and speak out loud about how amazing we are. Okay I feel quite energetic back then and clapped so hard it actually hurt. He gave an enormous speech while on the table. He told us that we are an A student and such. It was a good experience.
- 5:15 -
The next lesson started. And it is Mr. Thuraiveloo again. So again with his strategy and serious jokes.
- 6:36 -
The 10 hour seminar have just finished. I felt like a university student there. We came, we learn, we came back with a powerful knowledge. The bus again is the part where we just relaxed and enjoy the scenery. We are tired and exhausted. We have been brainwashed and learn something at least. Overall we have fun and have a good laugh. Pictures and videos is at Amir.
Well that's another item for my good memories list.
for the first 10 minutes he started talking mmg x boleh behenti gelak.
It was great! And funn! hahaha
mula-2 dengar suara ok lagi tapi bila dengar betul-2 agak lawak jadinya.
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