If only this is the place where I can say the truth,
without any prejudice I will say everything I feel.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
FEBRUARY 10 - 11.45
Today went out quite well, until someone burst in rage. Mrs. S exploded into berserk. It was horrible. I was sitting in front. She yelled at us with the highest pitch she can go. I don't quite know the reason why, but she was looking to the group behind me and maybe further than that. I can already expect who, who else but the newest gossip in our school. The worst person in our class. You know who. Her eyes has been blinded with disgust. Her lips trembled from the magnitude of anger. I can only stand and hear. Those sharp words have crossed stabbing my soul and ripped them apart. I can bet that the 'you know who' didn't care about the message that has been sent.
" We are like a wall preventing a tsunami. "
" All the teachers are mad at us, and the reason is always them. "
I can't agree more, all of the teachers are mad at us and it is not entirely our fault. Only one person left who didn't explode yet. And if the person do.
Then we are confirmed to be marked the worst class.
ada org ckp aku very secretive. haha what to do, i always dont know what to talk about!
amir kelakar! I love to treat my friends! hahaha
i have let say, 3 siblings.
berapa org adik beradik pun die x sure!! hahaahah
asal depan2 muka aku tutup mata mcm tgh bertapa -_-"
he should say "i like to eat"
no offence dudeee
retarded bloggers the title says all..
Please talk more about yourself.
Dyrah- I have let's say 3 siblings.
Dzmah- I always don't know what to talk about.
Amir- I love to treat my friends
that barely answers the question... wahaha.
yup..I'm may be like to eat...hahaha...but sometimes,treating my friends is a good thing right...hehehehe...=D
sumtimes, dun treat them too nicely too much. because u have to treat me first! i want flowers too! hahahahaha
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