" If a girl don't wear a Bra, then it will
Poooop! "
-Nahirah Zaini-
It means if someone didn't follow the current laws of nature,
then they will be in trouble.
What differentiates Boys and Girls, Man and Woman, Guys and Chicks.
Have you ever wondered what it is like to be a dude?
Have you ever wonder what it is like to be a girl?
Guys usually shirtless and only wear pants in the house,
Girls on the other hand wear a shirt but sometimes wears only a panties.
And yet in the end we entwine. No matter how different we are we will get together, Like the Yin and the Yang.
Guys always blames the girls for their problems, and girls always blames guys for their problem.
You can't understand guys unless you're a guy.
You can't understand a girl unless you become one too.
Guys always falls for the beauty of a girl.
Girls always falls for the strong appearance of a man.
because thts just the way it is.
tapi x semua mcm tu, some like they can see wht others dont in smone.
hahaha poop!!
I guess you right
we seem so different
ahahaha poop!
sorry ah aku gi open topic bra mase tuh...kang dh kene 'pooop'...hahaha
wahahha, korg nihh :DD
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