1st of December have arrived, and I stood still gone nowhere. All those courses I dropped, am I forgetting myself, have I lost again? What have I become... This emotionless face is truly expressing nothing in my mind. No happiness, angst, envy, anger,pride, joy, glory... nothing. An empty space filled with holes. A black and white world, silent,pitch-black. My words became backwards. And I seem to go nowhere. My body stop and the time stare. My sketch book is white as it is newly bought, my backpack surrounded by dust.But...

I have ended a game that I have been playing so long. When you read a book or doing something in a joyful emotion then suddenly it ends. Honestly, I hate it when things end. Certain things to be exact. Eventually the things you love you start again after it ended. But reading a book or playing a game twice does not have the same feeling as the first time.
I wonder how it is like for life to end.
what if there is no afterlife, everything turns black
afiq..new link : http://nota-kehidupan.blogspot.com/
aku pun pnah imagine mcm ni jgak..what if there is no afterlife..? all people just die like that..
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