I'm hearing a lot of piano tunes lately, and I kept wonder to buy a keyboard. The thing is, depressing pianic themes soothe me,somehow... It's not that I am sad, I'm just not happy as I usually do. I mean my life is almost perfect, it's good and all, but it lack something big, and I am still finding that 'one' miraculous blank spot so that I can feel it with happiness. And everyday I experimenting on what that it is still missing but I know one day I will find the definite solutions. People said that I am too serious hence go enjoy life with fun and games. And I only could reply ''Been there, done that''... But thankfully hope still shines on me. This life period of mine is giving me a sigh and I come out with dozens of solutions but those hypothesis cannot lead to experiments especially not right now.
Each day I came back from school and ponder that one day I have the life that I wanted, that I have dreamed. And kept thinking on Mr.Kamarul's word ''Hard work is everything''. But this selfish self of mine won't let it. And this new phobic of mine against time, will it let me hold my dreams or it will stop and perish every dream in this world.Only god knows how the world manage and how I feel. And thus Life goes on.

haha weyh! aku pon suka lagu yg sedih2 on piano. gilaaa mendayuuu! you should listen to yiruma. lagu die sedap2 :)
i thought of playing piano/keyboard once, but pi main gitar plk. hahaha
btw go listen to Mariage D'amor by richard clayderman! layaaannnn
oh an listen to richard clayderman too! mmg typpe lagu sedeyh2! heheh
Adzimah we are a lot a like!
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