All this time, i felt sudden lost. I tremble along with my fears, and become paranoid. Scared the living shit out of my own life. I try to wake up in the midst of the night just to hear the house breathing, snoring noises, sounds from the refrigerator and the chimes of the wind. When all is dead, I felt alive. I wanted to be alive.
The silence of the night never fails to treat me nicely, soothing and tranquils me with it's words. I always stares at the window, blank for a few hours. Sometimes I think, sometimes I just stare pointlessly. How long has it been? I felt like being trapped in a cave, or a prison. And finally being released for a while and stared asking around " What day is it?, What year is it? Where am I?
I pushed up my cellphone through the contact list. I feel like I need someone to talk to. There are a few people which I could conduct my feelings to. Expression is something that I rarely do. That is why i get poisoned most of the times. I have no companion, that night I felt I was alone.
Along the contact list it is hard enough to find a single person who will help me endure this feeling. I did not find a companion. I need someone special to hear my mind. I can't say words to my family, I did not want to falter their heart. I forgot my dear diary, the enigma. Though words I wrote, here I realize that I was alone all this time.
I used to write poems, I used to love the things I do. But as I grow up, i succumb to time and force me to do what I don't love. And things we love can fade.
I watched Talentime by Yasmin Ahmad, yes just watched a 2009 film. Actually I have the film a long time ago but didn't have the inspiration to watch it and somehow the film actually made me drop tears. Spoiler alert.
The final scene which a boy reminiscence the plight with his mother just kills me. Her mother just passed away in a hospital and he hug her tightly on her deathbed. I feel him as I attempt to imagine myself in his shoes. But the time will come and I've always ready but never prepared.
Day by day passed and I haven't got that flick of a light, this life is still clouded with black skies and my lantern is about to fade.